Countdown to Swiss Month
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Swiss Month Cover Image

Privacy Policy and Legal Information


Despite the careful attention paid to the accuracy of the information on its website, the Embassy of Switzerland cannot accept any liability for the correctness, accuracy, relevance, reliability or completeness of the information. It expressly reserves the right to change in part or in full, delete or temporarily not publish the contents at any time and without giving notice. The Embassy of Switzerland shall not be liable for any tangible or intangible damage arising from accessing, using or not using the published information, from the misuse of the online connection or through technical failure.

Data Protection

Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and Swiss federal data protection legislation provide that every person has the right to privacy and protection from misuse of their personal data. The Swiss federal authorities strictly adhere to these rules. Your personal data will be handled in a strictly confidential manner and will not be sold or transferred to third parties.